The Felixstow Reserve Redevelopment was officially opened on Sunday 10 February 2019, with the establishment of wetlands within the reserve being completed in late 2017, as part of the Eastern Region Alliance (ERA) Waterproofing Eastern Adelaide Stormwater Harvesting and Re-Use Project.

The Reserve includes large open grassed areas, an active play space, nature play, walking trails, a shared path and increased tree and shrub planting. An existing canoe scar tree features as a major interpretive element and links other cultural markers throughout the site. Nature play in the lower park includes small play structures, inspired by wathuwardi (branch hut) and reference the camps the Kaurna people created on the embankments of the River Torrens/Karrawirra Pari. A structured Pavilion and Recreation space lends from the area’s past orchards and vineyards, and includes shelter, toilets, picnic tables, basketball, bocce, table tennis and BBQ facilities.

Felixstow Reserve provides an opportunity for connection and reconciliation and is a space for all to enjoy while exploring, learning, playing, relaxing, exercising, picnicking and more.

CLIENT: City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters

LOCATION: Felixstow, SA.

VALUE: $4 million




2019 AILA SA Landscape Architecture Awards Parks and Open Space – Landscape Architecture Award

2019 AILA SA Landscape Architecture Awards Cultural Heritage – Award of Excellence

2019 AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards Landscape Architecture Award Parks and Open Space